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Queerology: A Podcast on Belief and Being

Fri 11 AM | GooseCast

Matthias Roberts

How might we live better as queer people of faith and allies? Matthias Roberts brings together theologians, psychologists, poets, thinkers, and change makers for conversations around belief and being. Previous guests include Jennifer Knapp, Julien Baker, Rachel Held Evans, Suzanne Stabile, Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Trey Pearson, and many others. In this live recording, join Matthias and a guest as they explore intersections of identity, faith, and queerness.

Matthias Roberts

Matthias Roberts is a writer, speaker, and host of Queerology: A Podcast on Belief and Being. His work has been featured in HuffPost Religion, Believe Out Loud, OnFaith, and The Oregonian. He holds a MA in Theology and Culture and a MA in Counseling Psychology. Matthias’s spare time is spent wandering the streets of Seattle ever in search of new coffee shops.

262 Queerology
289 Loving Our Way to Freedom

Session #262